Socks by Jimbo Phillips
Defining an artist is a big no-no. Mentioning his distinguished pedigree is almost just as bad. So, no defining and no name-dropping to be seen here. Don’t need to. With highly recognizable work saturating the skate, surf and rock and roll worlds, Jimbo Phillips’ intense imagery, and wild graphical nature invade your eyeballs like a stampede of line art. Hours and hours and hours can be taken absorbing his numerous pieces, and still new discoveries can be made, hidden amidst the delicately screaming lines, of leering-screaming-oozing monster-faces, Pin-Up babes, ‘sploding and yelling skulls, pizza-face slices, hot-rods, bulging-eyes, dripping brains, detailed gore-laden barfy-vomit, tongues for miles and more, all gushing from a creatively and horribly depraved imagination. Gotta love Jimbo’s art! The planet needs it.
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3 products